Keeping customers happy has never been easy, and it’s becoming even more difficult nowadays when people’s attention spans are shrinking by the day. The good news is that you can easily make your customers more satisfied if you do just…
SEO tips Tag
SEO tips to help your site rank higher
Former Google employee Kaspar Szymanski has just talked about Google spam filters and shared his expertise about how to recover websites from all kinds of Google penalties. Kaspar had been part of the Google Search Quality team for 7 years,…
There is on-page SEO, and there is off-page SEO. And just like day and night, each is meaningless without the other. Or are they more like bicycle frames and wheels? If your goal is to win a race or just…
Invented by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, PageRank (PR) was a formula that evaluated the quality and quantity of links to a particular webpage in order to find out its relative score and that page’s importance on a…
Even Darth Vader kneels before the power of the mobile side. Previously, we published a blog post which had an infographic talking about this year’s most relevant mobile ranking factors. In the same post, we promised to give you the infographic’s…
Mobile search engine optimization was never the same once Google started indexing desktop and mobile sites separately. When the new mobile index received priority, it served to further reinforce a revolutionary change in SEO. For all who wish to stay…
Ever since the day Google let its Panda loose on the hunting grounds of the Internet, writing great content for your website became an unquestionable priority. Even if you are just an enthusiast who doesn’t know a smidgeon of SEO….
I have a long list of things I like: reading interesting books, petting cats (who doesn’t!), cooking, drinking latte, walking through a park on a sunny day, arranging flowers in a vase. But most of all I like to notice…