Bing added an ability to sort results by time period. Now, if you sort by “Past 24 hours”, Bing will show you the top links that have surfaced over the course of the past day. The analogous applies for “Past week” and “Past month. Google has already been sorting results this way for a long time.
A Neustar Localeze/15miles/comScore Local Search Study shows that local search continues to shift away from the desktop toward mobile devices. The total number of U.S. searchers using mobile phones grew 26 percent between March 2012 and December 2012. Search on tablets was up 19 percent between April 2012 and December 2012. According to the study, mobile phone searchers are more likely to cite maps, driving directions and distance as key information. Searchers using tablets are more content-focused — they’re more likely to find consumer reviews and online promotions most helpful.
Google says that starting in April, AdWords ads with phone numbers in the text will be disapproved. If you’d like to encourage your customers to call your business, the call extension feature must be used.
Finally, in more AdWords related news, Google launched a new keyword bulk uploads feature in AdWords designed to make it easier to add, edit and remove keywords at scale. This feature not only saves you time, but it also provides a new level of flexibility and automation by allowing you to use standard spreadsheet functions and logic to manage your keywords. You can find more details and instructions on keyword bulk uploads here.
To stay ahead in the evolving landscape of search and effectively manage your SEO and AdWords campaigns, consider utilizing WebCEO’s Website Audit Tool. It offer comprehensive insights and analysis to optimize your online presence for both local and mobile search, aligning with the latest trends and updates from Google.