Many people mistakenly believe that a website audit should include rankings, technical errors, and backlinks. But many in the industry use the word “audit” to refer only to the technical side.

A website with numerous technical errors may not even be properly indexed in search engines like Google. Therefore, when your customers want to start SEO for their websites, the first step should be to look at the technical side rather than focusing on keywords and backlinks.

Without dealing with the technical issues, any SEO efforts will be useless.

In this article, we will demonstrate why the WebCEO Site Auditor Tool can significantly enhance your clients’ SEO strategies. This tool not only impresses clients but also provides the most detailed technical issues report in the industry.

What is Website Health?

Website health should be a top priority for your clients when they engage in SEO activities. This set of critical ranking factors reflects the technical optimization of their sites, including aspects such as loading speed, usability, and adherence to SEO best practices.

Additionally, website health encompasses deeper elements such as secure connections, mobile optimization, and the proper use of meta tags.

By prioritizing website health, your clients can ensure their site remains competitive and compliant with evolving search engine algorithms, leading to improved engagement and higher conversion rates.

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Key Elements of Measuring Website Health

Before we explore the WebCEO Site Auditor, let’s highlight the key issues you should focus on when working with a client and how they impact a website’s health score.

1. Site Accessibility

Accessibility is fundamental to a website’s technical health. Your clients must be sure that search engines can easily crawl and index their sites.

If a search engine struggles to access content on a website due to poor site structure or broken links, it’s unlikely to rank well. 

Ensuring full accessibility involves checking the robots.txt file, implementing proper redirect strategies, and optimizing load times.

2. Mobile Optimization

With the increasing prevalence of mobile internet usage, mobile optimization has become a critical SEO factor. A mobile-friendly website provides a better user experience and ranks higher in search results. 

This involves responsive design techniques that ensure your clients’ sites are easily navigable on any device, from desktops to smartphones.

3. Error Management

Regularly monitoring for errors such as 404 pages and fixing them promptly is vital. Such errors can significantly detract from the user experience and reduce a site’s overall SEO effectiveness.

4. Clean URL Structure

A well-structured URL is clear and descriptive, both for users and search engines. It should ideally include relevant keywords and be easy to read, without lengthy parameters or character strings. Clean URLs are more likely to be shared and are better indexed by search engines.

5. Content Duplication

Duplicate content can confuse search engines and dilute page authority, resulting in lower rankings. 

Your clients need to identify and resolve issues of content duplication on their websites.. Using canonical tags helps indicate to search engines which version of a duplicated content is the primary version, guiding search engines to credit the correct page.

6. Secure Connections

Security is a major component of website health, impacting both user trust and SEO rankings. Implementing HTTPS ensures that the data transferred between your website and its users is encrypted and secure. 

Search engines like Google prioritize secure websites in their rankings, recognizing the importance of user safety.

How to solve these problems at once?

If you think those are the only problems your customers might face, think again. There are numerous factors that contribute to website health, and identifying all of them along with ready solutions can be overwhelming. 

That’s where the WebCEO Website Audit Tool comes into play. This tool does more than just highlight errors and provide detailed reports; it offers a suite of unique features tailored to meet the needs of both B2C and B2B clients.

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Let’s explore how this tool can streamline your clients SEO efforts and its unique features in the industry.

The WebCEO Website Audit Features Overview

First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our customers for their suggestions and positive reviews of our tool. Thanks to your feedback, we are proud to declare that our tool is recognized as one of the most detailed in the industry.

Even with the Solo plan, you can scan a lot of pages and generate reports where you will find:

Critical SEO Issues and Solutions: SEO problems and actionable recommendations on how to resolve them.

Technical Gaps: Page not found errors, server problems, and broken JavaScript files, which are technical shortcomings that can significantly hinder your clients’ site performance and SEO effectiveness.

Broken Links: Broken links that harm user experience and SEO.

On-site Issues Over Time: Issues development and how they’re resolved over time.

Site Optimization Over Time: Progress of your site’s optimization efforts. This historical insight allows for strategic adjustments and more focused SEO planning.

NOTE: The Site Audit scan is started automatically upon adding a project. Your home page and up to 100 pages it links to are scanned initially. 

To increase the number of analyzed pages, go to the Site Health > Site Audit settings > Scan settings and select Maximum scan depth. The site crawler will then scan all the pages of your site (or up to your service plan limit if your site is really huge).

Once you have received a report detailing the overall health of your clients’ website, you can then examine their top-performing pages.

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 Detailed Analysis of Landing Pages

Our tool offers an in-depth analysis of each landing page, providing a detailed dossier with exceptional granularity. 

You can examine individual pages to view their meta tags and identify the specific keywords they are targeting. 

This feature is particularly beneficial for pages that are critical to your SEO strategy and are performing well, as it allows for further optimization to maximize their effectiveness.

With our editor, you can not only spot and correct errors and optimize loading speeds, but also strategically add keywords from your lists to enhance the page’s SEO potential.

An Indispensable Assistant for Newbies and B2B Agencies

The WebCEO Website Audit Tool serves as an invaluable resource especially for beginners and B2B agencies. It works extremely well for users who need clear guidance on how to enhance their site technically. 

The tool provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on what actions to take to improve their websites.

For agencies and white-label clients, this tool is particularly beneficial as it targets beginners who can gain significant advantages from its simplicity and ease of use. 

Unique Insights with Internal Links Analysis

To assist your clients to accurately evaluate their pages, we’ve added advanced metrics such as Page Authority and Text Juice. 

By analyzing these metrics, you gain deep insights into how search engines perceive the content and thematic structure of a clients’ site. Pages with the highest Text Juice are typically key in defining the site’s overall theme. 

With this data, you can strategically modify link texts to better align with a crawlers’ perception, effectively improving your clients’ website.

First steps to get Website Health Points with the SEO Content Assistant

To boost your Website Health even more, use the SEO Content Assistant, which will not only be a tool for effective content strategies but also a new source of keyword ideas. Moreover, you will see how competitors use your clients’ targeted keywords and compete with them on each page.

The SEO Content Assistant helps you visualize key SEO elements and start fixes that will noticeably improve your clients’ Website Health Score.

Final Word

As we’ve explored throughout this article, the WebCEO Site Auditor is a dynamic tool designed to enhance your clients’ Website Health Points.

By integrating the WebCEO Site Auditor into your SEO services, you’re not just fixing problems—you’re setting your clients up for long-term success. Choose a tool that adapts with the industry and continues to deliver significant results.

Unlock the full potential of your SEO efforts with a 14-day free trial and watch your clients rise to new heights.

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